Cursors | Violet Aroma

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Bad excuses are worse than none"

This proverb suits some situations when one justifies

his bad action with a worse justification.

In saying such a justification, he gives himself an excuse

to do such a bad thing and gives you no chance to say

anything . This proverb is clear in our daily life .

In school , for example, when a student didn't do the

homework and asked for an excuse, he may say:

" I was playing games and there weren't time to do the homework "

Here ,the teacher becomes angry and says " Bad excuses are worse than non " .

For me , I like using this proverb since it summarizes my

Anger or laughter  about such situations .However,
it reminds me of one of my Elementary great teachers.
She used to say this proverb in the the same previous
situation .

In Arabic we say :

عـذر أقبح من ذنب

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