Cursors | Violet Aroma

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Happy Ramadan to all Muslims ...

O' Allah forgive us and  accept our deeds ...

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Ramadan is the month of  "Qura'n", and most Scholars

assure Muslims to read Qura'n more than any time and

to concentrate on its meaning and apply it on daily life.

so, let's take care from the first day to win great reward.

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Taraweeh Prayer

What a pleasure to pray Taraweeh prayer alone at home

- I'm talking to women for sure- holding the Holy Qura'n

with cool air and a candle in a corner of the room .

If you can't  control your Taraweeh prayer,

you are allowed to pray it at mosque, but take 

care to your wearing ..!!

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Ramadan # Cooking

Ramadan # sleeping

Ramadan # watching TV

Ramadan = all good deeds

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Ramadan Mubarak again ..!!

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