Cursors | Violet Aroma

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Portfolio 
Teaching Practicum

It's my made .. :)
I put flashcards & games I made & used
while practicing teaching.
Before practicing teaching, I was waiting 
for this term to make my own "Preparation book"
and "Portfolio" . Thanks be to Allah, I got the chance
to design them . Also, I'm proud because our 
supervisor in TP* chose my "preparation book & portfolio"
to be the best -as suggested from the university-.
 Then , I gave it to my University to include them in
 the "Teaching Practicum Exhibit " next year in sha Allah.
Hope them be useful examples for dear coming friends in 
the English department. After I take my portfolios, I'll 
try to take photos for the preparation book. Actually I have some, 
but I see them not good and fair to give a good idea about it 
at the same time, they're not as professional as Ali's photography
-ma sha'Allah- .

Note :
If you are a training teacher, 
in the English Department,you are
welcome to ask about what to put into 
these folders. I'll be glad to tell you
in details and give you samples of 
the things I included in them .
You may ask here, then we will
contact by e-mail or I may 
put them here to make it
free for all visitors .

Best Regards

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